

10/26にMOJOHarold Pinter Theatreにて初日を迎えました!


Ben Whishaw, of course, gives it his all. He nails the crazycakes Baby character effortlessly, barely displaying any kind of emotion, making the smile freeze on your lips. He can go from strutting around to murderous frenzy in a moment, causing the tension to ratchet up as the play moves on. His face is the one to watch throughout – his cold looks, his empty smiles, they’re all enough to remind you that this comedy isn’t light. And that Ben is one brilliant actor.
By the way, he’s also a great singer. Colour me surprised, although I shouldn’t have been since he’s just been cast as Freddie Mercury. I enjoyed his voice a lot.

Ben Whishaw was in fine voice (bodes well for playing Freddie Mercury if that comes off) and threw a few cool moves too. Managed to break a prop with his energetic performance. He reminded me a teeny bit of a nastier version of Sidney from Layer Cake. He's looking quite toned as if he's been working out - he certainly needs to be fit for this production. 

And as for Ben Whishaw, we hear him before we see him as he demonstrates a fine singing voice and, later, a fine dance move or two. Baby is the character we learn the most about and for that is the most intriguing. Ben does unstable and nasty well, and it is great to watch, but it felt that the drama and tension of some of his darker moments were drowned out by over enthusiastic laughter at the comic lines.


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